Churches gather to talk climate change

First published on: 6th February 2019

On Friday 1st February, Churches Together in Tunbridge Wells held a special event with local MP and Business Secretary Greg Clark, and Tearfund’s Director of Advocacy Dr Ruth Valerio, to talk about the environment.

Thirty-seven Churches participated in this event, showing the extent of local Christian concern for the climate. 

On the evening, Greg Clark MP set out the Government’s position and policies at national level, which have led to a 42% reduction in the UK’s CO2 emissions; whilst acknowledging 'we need to do more to reach the ambition of a fully de-carbonised economy'. 

Dr Ruth Valerio spoke about the real immediate impact of climate change on poor communities, and the Christian and Biblical imperative to care for the Earth and all it’s people.

Ruth welcomed the Minister’s comments, saying:

“I hope you will be encouraged this evening to see the breadth of local Christian concern in your constituency for the issue of climate change and that you will be encouraged to take this back to Westminster to push for firm commitments on reaching a net zero economy, and help the UK keep the great promises we made in the Paris Agreement on climate.”

Many organisations supported the event on the night including Eco Church, Christian Aid, Green Christian and Operation Noah. All came with ideas and resources for local Churches to take the next steps in care for creation, from preaching and teaching, to switching to renewables, divesting from fossil fuels, or engagement in campaigns. 

Rochester Diocese is encouraging all our churches to consider joining up to become an Eco Church, and to join this February with the Climate Coalition’s National Show the Love campaign around Valentine’s Day. 

*Pictures: Emma Louise Ogilvy


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