In this section, you will find links to any reports or reviews that have been commissioned by or carried out on behalf of the Diocese in relation to safeguarding. This might include our safeguarding arrangements, a safeguarding matter, or a safeguarding incident.
Reports and reviews
Past Cases Review 2
The Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) is a comprehensive safeguarding review that has been undertaken nationally across the Church of England. On this page, we provide an overview of the Diocese’s independent report which contributed to the national PCR2 Report.

Safeguarding Audit
Access the Independent Safeguarding Audit which was carried out in July 2017 into the Diocese of Rochester's safeguarding arrangements.

Kendall House Review Report
Access the Kendall House Review Report (2016), carried out by an independent review panel into allegations of abusive and inappropriate practice at Kendall House children's home for girls.